Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Tools For Tomorrow

Job Placement Rates

Our latest survey of the class of 2016 indicates a 95 percent employment rate within one year of graduation.

Internship and Career Support

The Center for Career and Professional Development offers career and internship counseling, résumé and portfolio assistance, industry mentoring, professional development, workshops, entrepreneurial support, and a lifelong job search support system. New York City’s location provides a distinct advantage for students looking for internships or job experience. Qualified students are offered challenging on-the-job experiences in top art galleries, publishing houses, and architec­ture and design firms in both Manhattan and Brooklyn, giving them first­hand work experience as well as credit toward their professional degree.

State-of-the-Art Technology

Pratt’s computer labs and digital output centers have the most current equipment available. Computer labs offer computer workstations, color scanners, color and black-and-white printers and plotters, digital and analog output centers, digital photography, video and sound bays, multimedia video projection, and multiple servers. With access to everything from film editing and digital animation to two- and three-dimensional rendering, all workstations feature the latest software for the departments using them. Those working in the three-dimensional realm have access to 3-D printers, laser cutters, and CNC milling machines. Pratt continually upgrades lab equipment as industry standards change.


Gallery space, both on the Brooklyn campus and at Pratt Manhattan, is extensive, showing the work of students, alumni, faculty, staff, and other well-known artists, architects, and designers throughout the academic year. Pratt Manhattan Gallery is a public art gallery that strives to present significant work from around the world in the fields of art, architecture, fashion, and design. The Rubelle and Norman Schafler Gallery on the Brooklyn campus mounts faculty and student exhibitions, as well as thematic shows featuring the work of unaffiliated artists. In addition, Pratt has more than 15 other galleries located on its Brooklyn and Manhattan campuses.


The Pratt Library on the Brooklyn campus is located in an 1896 landmark building with interiors by the Tiffany Glass and Decorating Co. Collections and services are focused on the visual arts, architecture, design, creative writing, and allied fields. Additional materials support the general education curriculum. The Library houses more than 200,000 volumes of print materials, including more than 600 periodicals, rare books, and the college archives. The Library also includes a multimedia center, housing nearly 3,000 film and video titles, as well as the Visual Resources Center, a collection of more than 120,000 circulating architecture, art, and design digital images.

The Pratt Manhattan Center Library supports visiting researchers as well as the Pratt community. The Library has a growing collection of monographs, serials, and multi­media, as well as stock photography. It offers a wide range of electronic resources, including general and subject-specific databases, all of which are available off-site.