Undergraduate A-Z Index
- About Pratt Institute
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Progress
- Administration
- Architecture
- Architecture (ARCH)
- Architecture, BArch
- Architecture, BArch, Morphology Concentration
- Art and Design Education
- Art and Design Education (ADE)
- Art and Design Education Combined Degree, BFA/MA
- Art and Design Education, BFA
- Associate - Computer Graphics (ASCG)
- Associate - Design (ASDG)
- Associate - Fine Arts (ASFA)
- Associate - Foundation (ASFD)
- Associate - Gaming (ASGM)
- Associate - Graphics (ASGR)
- Associate - Illustration (ASIL)
- Associate - Printmaking (ASPR)
- Associate Degree Programs
- Athletics and Recreation
- Campus Security Committee
- Career and Professional Development
- Ceramics, Minor
- Chinese (CHI)
- Cinema Studies, Minor
- Communications Design
- Communications Design - Graphic Design (CDGD)
- Communications Design - Undergraduate (COMD)
- Communications Design, BFA (Emphasis in Graphic Design)
- Communications Design, BFA (Emphasis in Illustration)
- Construction Management
- Construction Management (CM)
- Construction Management, BPS
- Construction Management, Minor
- Counseling Center
- Courses A-Z
- Creative Writing, Minor
- Critical and Visual Studies (CST)
- Critical and Visual Studies, BA
- Cultural History (CH)
- Cultural Studies, Minor
- Customized Minor
- Digital Arts
- Digital Arts (DDA)
- Digital Arts, BFA (2-D Animation)
- Digital Arts, BFA (3-D Animation)
- Digital Arts, BFA (Art and Technology)
- Digital Arts, BFA (Interactive Arts)
- Digital Humanities, Minor
- Division of Student Affairs
- Drawing (DRWG)
- Fashion Design
- Fashion Design (FASD)
- Fashion Design, BFA
- Fashion, Minor
- Federal Direct Loan Programs
- Federal Programs
- Film
- Film, BFA
- Film/Video (FVID)
- Film/Video, Minor
- Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Instructions and Schedules
- Fine Arts
- Fine Arts (FA)
- Fine Arts Seminars (FAU)
- Fine Arts, BFA (Emphasis in Drawing)
- Fine Arts, BFA (Emphasis in Jewelry)
- Fine Arts, BFA (Emphasis in Painting)
- Fine Arts, BFA (Emphasis in Printmaking)
- Fine Arts, BFA (Emphasis in Sculpture and Integrated Practices)
- FlyWire for International Students
- Foundation
- Foundation (FDC)
- French (FREN)
- Game Arts, BFA
- Game Design and Interactive Media, AOS
- Gender and Sexuality Studies, Minor
- General Education Requirements
- Graduation and Degrees
- Graphic Design, AOS
- Graphic Design/Illustration, AAS
- Health Services
- History of Art and Design
- History of Art and Design (HAD)
- History of Art and Design, BA
- History of Art and Design, BFA
- History of Art, Minor
- History of Pratt
- Humanities and Media Studies
- Humanities and Media Studies (HMS)
- Illustration, AOS
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Design (IND)
- Industrial Design, BID
- Interior Design
- Interior Design (INT)
- Interior Design, BFA
- Interior Design, Minor
- International Affairs
- Italian (ITAL)
- Management (MGMT)
- Math and Science
- Math and Science (MSCI)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Media Studies, Minor
- Minors
- Morphology Minor
- Museum and Gallery Practices, Minor
- Painting (PTG)
- Painting/Drawing, AAS
- Performance and Performance Studies, Minor
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Philosophy, Minor
- Photography
- Photography (PHOT)
- Photography, BFA
- Photography, Minor
- Physics (PHYS)
- Poetics Lab (PLAB)
- Pratt Institutional Programs
- Pratt Integrative Course (PIC)
- Pratt Integrative Courses
- Pratt Students
- Pratt's Campuses
- Printmaking (PRNT)
- Programs A-Z
- Psychology, Minor
- Refunds
- Registrar
- Registration and Enrollment
- Residential Life and Housing
- Resilience, Wellness, And Well-Being
- Scholarships
- School of Architecture
- School of Art
- School of Art (SOA)
- School of Continuing and Professional Studies
- School of Design
- School of Design (SOD)
- School of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Sculpture (SCU)
- Social Justice/Social Practice, Minor
- Social Science (SS)
- Social Science and Cultural Studies
- Spanish (SPAN)
- State Grant Programs
- Student Involvement
- Student Organizations
- Sustainability (SUST)
- Sustainability Studies, Minor
- Teaching Art and Design in NYC, Minor
- Technics (TECH)
- Textiles, Minor
- The Book, Minor
- Tools For Tomorrow
- Transcripts
- Transfer
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition Payment