Urban Placemaking and Management (UPM)
UPM-601 History & Theory of Public Places - (2 Credits)
This course traces the development of concepts of place and practices of \"placemaking\" and introduces students to major theoretical and primary sources relevant to this new field. The course takes an interdisciplinary approach, drawing from readings primarily in the history and theory of urbanism, but also in urban planning, architecture, the arts, anthropology, and sociology. Readings, lectures, workshop activities, and case studies illuminate the political, social, and ethical stakes of placemaking, to familiarize students with the history of urbanism as it relates to placemaking and to give students the historical and theoretical knowledge necessary to evaluate placemaking proposals.
UPM-602A Proseminar: Design and Infrastructure - (1 Credit)
This proseminar helps students develop observational, analytical, and projective abilities to understand and map three-dimensional urban form and how various urban systems and infrastructures influence the character and experience of the public realm. The course examines the multiple public and private actors who contribute to the city's public realm. Finally, the course introduces students to approaches and tools for the integration of urban and environmental systems to create ecologically sustainable cities. The proseminar curriculum and assignments complement coursework in the Lab.
UPM-602B Proseminar: Planning and Policy - (1 Credit)
This course introduces students to the key tools and methodologies used to plan, regulate, and manage urban space. The course situates urban planning practice today as an outcome of the legacy and evolution of planning as a profession in the United State since the late nineteenth century. The course emphasizes how politics and political power shape and limit what urban planning professionals can accomplish and influence how urban planning objectives are encoded in laws and regulations. The course examines the role of citizen participation and the effectiveness of existing and potential structures for including public constituencies in the planning process.
UPM-602C Proseminar: Economics - (1 Credit)
This course provides an overview of real estate economics and finance and the relationship of economics to public space. The class first examines how financial value is created for property in cities, then reviews how market analysis is conducted, and lastly reviews how the value of a project is understood by both the public sector (economic impact) and the private sector (development pro forma). The course examines how the development process intersects with public realm development and the ways in which public space creates value. The curriculum and assignments complement coursework in the Lab: Observation and Analysis of Public Space.
UPM-602D Proseminar: Management - (1 Credit)
The proseminar provides an overview of project management in urban development as a foundation for understanding the complexities of the development of the public realm in cities. The course also establishes a foundation of leadership and negotiation skills that students will use throughout the Urban Place making and Management program. The proseminar curriculum and assignments are designed to complement and build upon coursework in the Lab: Observation and Analysis of Public Space. Outputs of course assignments can and should as much as possible contribute to coursework in the lab.
UPM-609 Lab: Analysis of Public Space - (5 Credits)
The workshop introduces students to methods and techniques for analyzing the public realm in cities and to the understanding that the design of new public spaces and the development of public space management strategies depend on rigorous analyses of existing urban conditions and the needs and activity patterns of public space users. Students learn to observe public spaces through the use of statistical data collection, interviews, photography, and video. Students learn to analyze spatial characteristics Involving use, circulation, programming, servicing, landscape, etc. Students learn to use conceptual diagrams, mapping, and architectural drawings (site plans, elevations, and sections) to communicate findings.
UPM-611 Democracy, Equity, and Public Space - (2 Credits)
This course reviews the ways in which political expression and negotiation among constituencies occur in the public realm. The course examines the concept of the \"right to the city\" as a political ideal for the public realm and current trends such as privatization, surveillance, and securitization as expressions of social and economic conflict. The course reviews \"agents of change\" - artists, activists, the government, city planners, and architects - and their strategies for pursuing a public realm that advances an equitable and democratic society. These debates are central to analyzing the political dimensions of placemaking.
UPM-612 Economics of Place - (1 Credit)
This course focuses on the role of the public realm in generating economic benefits for cities and urban populations. The course applies the concept of place capital to a range of case studies of public spaces in cities throughout the world. \"Place capital\" refers to the process through which shared economic wealth is created through the creation and maintenance of public spaces in cities. This course explores the many economic benefits that vital public spaces -whether newly built or restored - generate for the local economy, as well as their wider social, environmental, health, and quality of life impacts.
UPM-613 Place, Politics, Public Management - (2 Credits)
This course provides an overview of the analytical, planning, implementation, and management skills that project managers use In the development of public spaces. The course examines the role of the project manager in the context of negotiation among the multiple urban constituencies who influence the development of the public realm. The course reviews financial concepts with an emphasis on the instruments for property management and capital projects, including budgets, leases, and contracts. It reviews project management tools for development for each stage of the project life cycle, including bidding, RFP process, approvals, procurement, contracting, leasing, project completion, maintenance, and operations.
UPM-614 Civic Engagement - (1 Credit)
The course examines and analyzes the following questions related to citizen participation and the design and planning of the public realm: How can community members plan their neighborhoods and cities? What tools can practitioners and activists use to engage local people in complex planning processes? What are the opportunities and limitations of engaging the public in planning? This course reviews approaches and tools of civic engagement through a combination of academic and popular readings, guest speakers, videos, class discussion and activities, and research. The course reviews the theoretical and practical dilemmas of participation, through cases in New York and elsewhere.
UPM-621 Urban and Contextual Design - (3 Credits)
This course surveys recent prominent theories of urban spatial design-ways of reading, understanding, and designing urban space-and asks: What works and what doesn't, and why? It is an introductory urban design course for students from a range of academic and professional backgrounds. Through seminar format discussions supported by visual media, intensive readings of progenitors' original writings (and plans I designs), critiques by respected urban scholars, and case study analyses, the course exposes students to a wide variety of urban spatial theories and typologies.
UPM-698 Placemaking Workshop - (5 Credits)
This lab combines and applies the principles and practices of placemaking to a specific topical project involving an actual planning and design situation. The course considers physical, social, economic, cultural, and political factors to produce a viable design and ensure successful management of a specific public place. Students work as a team to accomplish that goal. The lab includes lectures, site visits, written reports, and input from official and community representatives and stakeholders.
UPM-701 Demonstration of Professional Competence Part 1 - (1 Credit)
The demonstration of professional competence is the capstone of the Urban Placemaklng and Management program. It demonstrates the rigorous integration of the four knowledge streams of the Urban Placemaking program: design and infrastructure, planning and policy, economics, and management. The demonstration involves the creation of a professional quality development proposal for the public realm with supporting graphic documentation of planning and design, planning and policy strategy, financial analysis, and management plan. The project includes Original research and can be a work-related project or extension of course-related work.
UPM-702 Demonstration of Professional Competence Part 2 - (2 Credits)
This is a continuing course for UPM students who enrolled in UPM 699 01 but did not complete.
UPM-723 Landscape Architecture and Place - (3 Credits)
This course examines the role that landscape architecture plays in public space and the elements that comprise the design palette of landscape architecture. The course first addresses the use of plant materials (softscape) by examining plant forms, general characteristics, and physical requirements. The course then addresses hardscape elements of the landscape, including the use of water as ornament, the ground plane, lighting, furnishings, and structures. The discussion of hardscape highlights use, aesthetic, construction, and maintenance considerations. The final part of the course addresses the composite landscape, in which hard and softscape elements are synthesized.
UPM-724 Public Security: Design and Debates - (1 Credit)
Through readings, lectures, and case studies, the course examines the ways in which ideas about security and insecurity are socially, politically, and ecologically construed with respect to public space, infrastructure, and cities and how the changing conceptualization of security has influenced the practices of designers, planners, and policymakers. The class reviews the extent to which the privatization of endangered public space has created a security creep that is slowly removing vital public plazas from public occupancy. The class examines contemporary design, planning, and policymaking that seek to create a safe public realm (often through the utilization of new technologies).