Academic Catalog 2023-2024

Social Science (SS)

SS-508  Capitalism And Socialism  - (3 Credits)  

Various types of modern socioeconomic systems are reviewed, including an examination of general questions such as goals and values of different systems, degree of popular control over socioeconomic decisions and extent of economic inequality. U.S, Russia, and other societies are compared with respect to institutional arrangements, economic performance, and consistency to ideology.

SS-510  Controversies in Cultural Theory  - (3 Credits)  

This is an interdisciplinary seminar that explores theoretical and conceptual issues of common concern to both architecture and liberal arts. It focuses on bodies of twentieth century cultural and social theory that can be said to have developed an ideology of space, viewed both as a notion of habitat and as a vision of urban utopianism.

SS-512  Art Culture and Community Development  - (3 Credits)  

This course will provide students with the historical, conceptual, and analytical background as well as the interdisciplinary perspective that they would need to work in the field of arts-based community development. The first part of the class will be devoted to reviewing the historical role of arts in social movements and urban planning efforts. Then the focus will be on evaluating and analyzing the divergent roles of arts and design in contemporary urban and community development using case studies.

SS-537  Globalization: The Contemporary World Economy  - (3 Credits)  

Examines the current processes and features of global integration and division. It focuses on the emergence over the past decade of what has been called the \"new world order.\" Particular attention is paid to the differential impact across regions and nations of international, political,and economic institutions and arrangements; and on work, governments, social movements, and public life.

SS-560  Space and Power  - (3 Credits)  

Concentrates on some of the most important contemporary writings on space, new social movements, identity, and the body. The readings are drawn from sociology, geography, architecture, cultural studies, and feminism. It uses these perspectives to understand how the present can be conceptualized, with particular attention to the question of power - how it is to be thought of, questioned, desired, and resisted.

SS-601  Art Worlds  - (3 Credits)  

Students examine the social dimension of art, architecture, and design. The course addresses both the historical contextualization of art in society and traces the political, economic and cultural forces that bear upon the organization of creative activity. Various instances of art, monuments and urban design are studied for the insights they provide into the broader dynamics of society.

SS-611  Concepts of Materiality  - (3 Credits)  

Drawing on distinct but overlapping art historical and archaeological methodologies, intersecting with philosophy, anthropology, and the history of science, this seminar examines the many ways that objects, things and matter are thought to hold meaning, memory and history. Tracing the evolution of the concept of materialism through time and across various, the course will focus on the idea of the immanent and nonlinear nature of materialisms as well as the ways in which embodied subjectivities can be conceptualized and materialized. This course will hesitate in the space between the formations of these theories, particularly in light of new materialisms and matter itself, never inert or static but always in the process of becoming.