School of Design (SOD)
SOD-601 Interplay: Ethics and Tactics of Co-Design - (3 Credits)
A hub for cross-fertilization between creative practices, this course presents the basic principles of co-design as they relate to working across disciplines and with communities. Positioning co-design through the framework of play, this course invites students from across the School of Design to explore how to co-create knowledge, how to share leadership, how to design with empathy, and how to work outside disciplinary norms.
SOD-605 Co-Design Studio - (3 Credits)
The Co-Design Studio is an interdisciplinary platform for community engagement and participatory design within the School of Design. Working in partnership with a local K-12 school or community organization, students from different design disciplines will collaborate on a real-world co-design project structured around the needs of their community partner. Urging students to consider what it means to design with rather than for the local community, this course will introduce students to the tools and methodologies to work collaboratively with one another and with project stakeholders within and beyond Pratt's gates.
SOD-699 Independent Study - (1 Credit)
In this graduate course, work is assigned on an individual basis under advisement by a faculty member, and in consultation with the department's chairperson. This course provides undergraduate students with the opportunity to pursue a project that goes beyond the existing curriculum or facilities.